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Can you Marry Someone that Handles Money Differently from you?
You may be surprised.
Money is a huge factor in the large number of divorces. However, is it solely because people handle money differently?
Not necessarily.
People can have their own views on how to handle money and still be happily married. The problems begin where there are no discussions about money; especially before getting married.
It is through consistent money discussions that couples come to a compromise work on financial goals together.
This should begin prior to either moving in or getting engaged.
Prior to getting married, couples should be encouraged to take a financial literacy class. This would help set the financial foundation for their new journey. That would help set the tone that finances are important and should be dealt with together.
Before walking down the aisle or moving in together couples should agree on a few things.
What budget template is going to be used?
Who is going to take the financial lead in the relationship?
Always have financial goals in place.
Will you have joint or separate accounts?