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Going To College Shouldn't Be A Debt Sentence Or The Norm
The pandemic showed us that essential jobs are not always acquired with a college degree.
First, let me say that I value education. I personally earned my B.A., M.P.A., and a Financial Coaching Certification.
My belief is that not all debt is bad. Any debt acquired from something that adds value to your life is good debt.
That being said, the narrative of why people go to college needs to change. It should no longer be the only way that one can become successful. As we have learned in the past year, all jobs are essential, but especially the ones that have not been valued in the past.
Most students go right into college because that’s what you do right? Half of them don’t even know what they want to major in. The outcome of this is high dropout rates, graduating knowing you don’t want to do what you majored in, and taking longer to graduate.
This is serious.
Student debt is at an all-time high. One of the reasons could be because College Tuition has gone up 200% in the past 20 years while salaries have only increased by 75%.
Students graduating with a lot of debt are facing years if not decades of repayments.