Member-only story
Travel Sports are Expensive, but the Rewards Outweigh the Costs
Money is spent every day on things that don’t matter. This matters.
A few years ago, I had no idea what travel sports were. If I would have heard what they were about I would have said heck no!
But my husband got us into it before I could even do my intense over thinking that I normally do. This was very smart on his part.
So, in case you don’t know what travel sports are about well, they are the options kids have when they get really good at a sport. For example, my daughter plays softball. She played at our local park until she was twelve. She could continue playing at the park level, but there were two issues.
1. Level of competition is null. She was getting bored and frustrated.
2. As kids get older there are not enough signing up to have a good number of teams to play against each other.
The only option at this point is travel ball.
My daughter really loves to play softball. She never complains about going to games or practice. That is one reason why I’m okay with this crazy life.
When you move up to travel sports from “rec” the biggest difference is your financial investment and time. There are a lot more practices, out of state travel is required, there…