We All Came to Kim’s Defense Against Kanye, Why Has She Turned on Us?

Mariela Garcia
3 min readMar 24, 2022

All we do is work without half of the support that she has.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

I am not going to bash Kim. She is a victim. She has proved that money cannot save you from being harassed by your ex-husband. I have compassion for her, and her children as do many women.

However, her comments about how women need to get their asses to work were so hurtful and insensitive to all women. I would love to share with her how I would love to get my ass up and go straight to work.

I am a morning person. I think clearly and have a lot of energy as soon as I wake up. However, I can’t. Instead of having the luxury of going straight to work, I must make two trips to two different schools at two different times. I also must make breakfast for my kids and do their hair. Then I come home and wash the dirty dishes from breakfast, throw in a load of laundry and take care of other chores.

If I am lucky, I am at my desk by 10:00 a.m. I can work for a solid 3 hours. I’m also in charge of our home finances, and my family’s individual needs so I need to block out about an hour for that daily. Around 2 pm, I pick up my children from school. After dinner, homework, and extracurricular activities, I am sometimes able to return to work around 7 p.m. I manage to get in only another hour because then…



Mariela Garcia

Happy person. I have a Masters in Public Administration and have certifications in finance, and life coaching. Currently pursuing my teaching credential.